Saturday, November 9, 2013

The Attitude of Gratitude I Long to Have

  October is a beautiful time of the year, and what a mighty month it was for me. Many miracles have occurred, and many changes came too. Being in the middle of the autumn season, we get to witness the very leaves changing colors, temperatures dropping, and sadly, baseball season coming to an end (still wishing that my L.A. Dodgers would have won the World Series, but life goes on). I love this time of the year; it was 5 years ago on October 1st, 2008, that I had a life changing knee surgery. This ACL reconstructive surgery was the change I needed in order for me to grow closer to my Father in Heaven. I love this month, I absolutely love it!

  So, with this past month of change, I'd like to express to you how much gratitude I have in my heart. Not only that, but The Attitude of Gratitude I Long to Have.

  Since being back in New Mexico, I have seen so much. I have seen smiles that have lifted me up when I was down, lives changed as they've entered the waters of baptism, and so much more. I've been able to both hear and see the testimony of so many faithful members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Such testimonies which have fortified and strengthened my own. Oh, if I too were an angel, and could have the wish of my heart, I would, with a trump of God, let every soul know how precious they are in the eyes of their Father in Heaven (Alma 29 reference). Yet, I should be content with the things allotted unto me. And yes, the Lord has allotted unto me much. He's allotted a wonderful family so perfect for me. So imperfect, yet so absolutely perfect for me. They are everything to me. How I long to be with them eternally. How I yearn to see all of them happy.

  How grateful I am for these sacred allotments. He has allotted unto me friends, recent converts, a priesthood quorum, and my own home teachies. All He asks, is that I do all I can to love those He has given unto me. He asks that I focus on the one, sometimes leaving the ninety and nine just to find them. Which leads to my point: The Attitude of Gratitude I Long to Have. Such gratitude for all the Lord has both done for me, and given unto me.

  The Lord knows what He is doing here on this earth. He knows who we should meet, when we should meet them, what experiences we need, and what problems we have. He knows we're mortal and that we'll make mistakes. He sent His Son for that very reason. He also sends messengers to bless all of His children. Some are heavenly, but in my own experience, most of them have been earthly messengers. He makes us somebody else's "allotment", before giving unto us our own. He gives a mother and father children, asks that they raise them in righteousness, and then, once those children grow to a mature age, He eventually grants unto them their own "allotments" (Their own children). And this is how He "brings to pass the immortality, and eternal life of man" (Moses 1:39). One eternal round.

  How grateful I am for these allotments. For they are "a lot", and truly are "meant" to bless our lives.

  The main point to today's blog entry, is to express the gratitude I have for an incredible Branch Presidency that were recently released after 5 faithful years of service in the University/Nob Hill Branch of Albuquerque. This change to our branch happened in that wonderful month of change, October. It's been very hard on them, but I know that the Lord has other things He's ready to "allot" unto them. He "allotted" a group of 20 or so active members in December 2008, and that turned into 200 or so active within a few years. The Lord always gives unto us small "allotments", because He trusts that "out of small things, great things come to pass". I was one of those 20 members of this little Branch in Albuquerque. I was away from church activity for 4 or so years, and the very day I decided to come back, was the very first day they were called as the new Branch Presidency. I was blessed to be apart of their little "allotment". I have since, grown immensely. It was through the atonement that this growth has occurred, and with the aid of such leaders, I continue to grow.

  President Brown became a father figure in my life and Sister Brown became a 2nd mother. Brother Hardy became one of the bestest friends I have, and his wife, Sister Hardy, one of the most influential people I have ever met. And finally, Brother Cobb, the man who taught me much by example. Throughout five years, I only can account a few conversations with this man, yet... All the words he ever could of said to help me, were spoken by and through his incredible example of faith. And, what great man is there without a great woman at his side? Sister Cobb was and is an absolute crucial part of my conversion. Her smile was and is a smile that has lifted me dozens of times when I've been down. How eternally grateful I am for these leaders, these my brothers and sisters (Words cannot express how I truly feel. My weakness in writing is evident as I try to profess the thoughts and feelings of my heart).

  I could write a book full of the many experiences I have had with these individuals. I could spend countless hours expressing the many miracles we all witnessed in that small branch. Someday I will, but for now, thanks be to God. I am so thankful. I am so overcome with joy as I ponder the lives of these leaders. I love all of them. I love them dearly. And I know... I absolutely, undoubtedly know... these individuals and their blessed families, LOVE THE SAVIOR. They love their Father in Heaven, and His Son. They love this gospel. They are consecrated members, and I hope to some day become like they are. The Attitude of Gratitude I Long to Have.

President and Sister Brown with their wonderful grandchildren

Brother and Sister Hardy with their beautiful family (Sister Hardy is in the light pink shirt in the back row right next to Brother Hardy in the light blue polo)

Brother Cobb (white collared shirt) and Sister Cobb (jean jacket), with their beautiful kids and grand-kids

  Might we all be a little more grateful as we approach the month when we celebrate our Savior's birth. The 2nd most incredible thing to ever happen, the 1st being the atonement He later performed. A small baby boy, born in a manger... A small and simple thing... Such great things that have and will come to pass because of Him.

P.S. My buddies and I won 1st place in the group costume contest at our Regional YSA Halloween 2013 dance...

Group picture of all the winners of the costume contest. There were roughly 11 different opportunities to win... best hero, best couple, most original, etc...

We were rock, paper, and scissors... Pretty original right??? haha

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Simply Beautiful, and Beautifully Simple

"I have a family here on Earth, they are so good to me. I want to share my life with them, through all eternity." What a blessing it is to come to earth in families. Growing up in my family is something I would never change, EVER! There is not a single perfect family out there, nor is there any perfect person her on earth. For this reason, I rejoice. For God's glory is made perfect in weakness. Families are built upon a group of very diverse individuals, all who suffer from their own unique and personal weaknesses. Through it all, we never cease to love each other.

I'm so grateful for President Eyring's words from this last general conference, when he said, "God has devised means to save each of His children. For many, that involves being placed with a brother or sister or grandparent who loves them no matter what they do. Years ago a friend of mine spoke of his grandmother. She has lived a full life, always faithful to the Lord and to His Church. Yet one of her grandsons chose a life of crime. He was finally sentenced to prison. My friend recalled that his grandmother, as she drove along a highway to visit her grandson in prison, had tears in her eyes as she prayed with anguish, "I've tried to live a good life. Why, why do I have this tragedy of a grandson who seems to have destroyed his life?" THE ANSWER CAME TO HER MIND IN THESE WORDS: "I gave him to you because I knew you could and would love him no matter what he did."

What comforting words. President Eyring reminded me that the Lord has put me in my family because He knew I "could and would love them no matter what they've done" or what I've done. The countless mistakes I have made that have easily been forgotten by them; they have "loved me no matter what..." Our past should never define us, and our future is always as bright as our faith!

I'm reminded of our Savior's patience and love every time I see somebody walk into the waters of baptism. I have seen individuals who have been to prison, eventually change, and have since devoted their lives to Christ and this work. I have seen meth addicts (one for 25 years), turn their lives around by accepting the gospel of Jesus Christ. One of them I recently met, soon to be sealed in the Holy Temple to his companion for time and all eternity. He now spends his days giving motivational speeches to troubled juveniles. "We need to bear in mind that people can change. They can put behind them bad habits. They can repent from transgressions. They can bear the priesthood worthily. And they can serve the Lord diligently" (President Thomas S. Monson).

As a product of change, I testify that individuals and families can change. That through the Infinite Atonement of Jesus Christ, sin can be perfectly forgiven and forgotten by a perfect Savior. I know that He has the power to remember our sins no more. I also know that all of God's children matter to Him. That He is not a God who sits around in His Heavens hoping some of His angles will do all the work...NO...He is involved. This world is carefully watched over by His all seeing eye. He who know's when a sparrow falls, knows exactly when His children stumble. I know that families can be together forever. Our Father in Heaven desires that ALL His children be saved in His kingdom. He will never cease striving to make this happen. Though my family, myself included, be very weak... I know we can be made strong. The Lord has prepared us for these challenging times, and He is preparing our future eternal companions, families, and friends as well. I know that He has given us agency, the ability to choose. What will we choose and whom will we choose? The worth of souls are always great and precious in the sight of God. We are worth it! We can do it! Look up! Look forward! Rise up! Trust Him! In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
 My wonderful grandma Ann with my two incredible uncles. Both mighty products of change. They've come so far! They are two men placed in the hands of this trusted woman, whom the Lord knew would always love them. They have had their down falls, but have risen triumphantly, becoming men of sound understanding.
 This is my mom's side of the family: Uncle Dave on the left, Uncle John, Aunt LeighAnn, Uncle Steve, then back up to Aunt Jacki, my beautiful mother Lani, and then finally Aunt Lori. I love them so much! Some of the sweetest, most charitable people I know!
My incredible father, sister, and niece. I love them so much. I could spend hours talking about how much they have changed. I have a family here on earth...Oh, how good they are to me!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Oh, the People In My Life

My good brother, Jeremy Grider, was baptized just a few weeks ago. Since his journey into the Saviors kingdom, he has received the gift of the Holy Ghost, the Aaronic Priesthood, and a Temple Recommend.  He has been called to be our sacrament coordinator as well. This young man is one of the most incredible people I know. I don't know how life would be without good ole Jeremy. He desires to serve a mission next September in 2014. The Lord gathers His elect, and Jeremy is certainly one of them!  Oh, the People in My Life.

That next week, Jeremy went to the temple for his first time. He mentioned the peace he felt in the Lords house. What sweet peace the gospel brings to seeking minds of truth. He's changed so much in the past few weeks, even to a point that he corrected me on an error I mentioned about the priesthood. He's taking the gospel of Jesus Christ and soaking it all in. What a blessing it is too see lives changed. Oh, the People in My Life.

A week after Jeremy's baptism was my great friend Lynsie Hojnowski's baptism. She has rapidly progressed, and her example continues to radiate light. I wish we had some pictures from her baptism. We're working on getting them from our Sister Missionaries. Lynsie Hojnowski is one special gal. Being invited to talk at her baptism about the Holy Ghost was such a humbling experience. Her family was there, which had a mighty impact on the words I shared. As I ended my remarks, I looked them all in the eyes and expressed from the depth of my heart that, "Families are forever." I showed them a picture of the temple on my phone and expressed that this blessing is available within the walls of the Lords House. What a mighty family! Oh, the People in My Life.

The week following Lynsie's baptism, was our good friend Mike's baptism. Mike is one of the most incredible people I know. The Sisters ran into Him on campus about a month ago, and now he stands as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He describes most of his experiences within the gospel as very peaceful. He received the gift of the Holy Ghost today, which was incredible. Mike is now a member of our Savior's Church here on earth. Brother Jeremy Grider was able to perform that baptism through the priesthood authority he has received. Can life get any better than this? Jeremy, Lynsie, and Mike... Oh, the People in My Life.

I testify that the smiles on their faces have came as a direct result of change, through Christ. We must go on in such great a cause! All God's children matter to Him, and the Church would not be the same without them, and it will only become stronger as more of His children enter into His fold! Share your testimonies, and change a life... In turn, your life will be changed. I couldn't imagine my life without these individuals. We are all part of a great big eternal family. 

Oh, the People in My Life!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

2 Months Ago I Was There... Now I'm here

What if words could express the souls deepest yearnings? What kind of language would we speak?

I'm by no means a good writer, nor do my words give justice to the things my heart truly yearns to express. This blog is a symbol of my testimony, not an expression of my ability to put big words together. Simply put, this public journal will, at all times, describe a simple mans thoughts, beliefs, and experiences. I hope to share those "things which matter most". I personally feel, as do many others, that the people around us matter most. When Enoch (a prophet of God) was one day talking to the Lord, he asked Him, "How is it that thou canst weep, seeing that thou art holy, and from all eternity to all eternity?" The Lord later replied, "Behold these thy brethren; they are the workmanship of mine own hands, and I gave unto them their knowledge, in the day I created them; and in the Garden of Eden, gave I unto man his agency; 33 And unto thy brethren have I said, and also given commandment, that they should love one another, and that they should choose me, their Father; but behold, they are without affection, and they hate their own blood" (Moses 7:29-33). Our loving Father in Heaven weeps. Why? Because "love for thy neighbor" has waxed very cold. It was happening in Enoch's time several thousand years ago, and it continues on today. If our goal is to someday reach our eternal destiny, we would be wise to follow Him who knows exactly how to get us there. Taking the second great commandment to "love thy neighbor as thyself", and never letting go. Making sure it always comes after the first, which is to, "love the Lord Thy God with all thy soul..." (Matthew 22:37-40).

My goal in life is to grow closer to our Father in Heaven and His Son Jesus Christ. That is what I desire. And since that is the desire of my heart, I must share it. The Lord asks us to let our "light so shine", and if there is any light in me, I hope to let it shine through this blog. Might we all grow closer to Him who died to make men free. Someday hearing, "Come ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world" (Matthew 25:34). 

Today marks exactly two months since being back home. It's been a rough adjustment, but I now know why I'm here. That question I asked at the beginning, "What if words could express the souls deepest yearning?" Words can't express all that I feel, but I hope, that through my words, you might come to understand at least a little of what I feel. That which I feel, is my Saviors love. "I feel my Saviors love, in all the world around me. His spirit warms my soul, through everything I see. He knows I will follow Him, give all my life to Him. I feel my Savior's love, the love He freely gives me." (LDS Hymn, p. 74). That is what I feel. That is what I hope to share. This world needs the gospel of Jesus Christ. And Jesus Christ needs us. Is my testimony, in His Holy Name, even Jesus Christ. Amen.